Art-Ventures for Kids: Where the Wild Things Art


East Windsor Parks & Recreation is holding an 8-week session of Art-Ventures beginning on Tuesday, October 20th.  Class will take place in the Town Hall Meeting Room on Tuesday Afternoons from 4:00pm-5:00pm. Students attending Broad Brook School will be escorted across the street from the school to the Town Hall by a Parks & Recreation Staff member.

Art adventurers explore many whimsical and original art forms and techniques, discovering clay and collage, painting and drawing, mask-making and decorating, just to name a few! Sculpt colorful monsters and clay pots, design ceramic robots, decorate birdhouses and wooden guitars, create tape resist t-shirts and so much more. Plus, hear wonderful stories, such as "Where the Wild Things Are" and "Nova the Robot," each relating to a work of art (a little literacy education in disguise). Humor and surprises are always included. Explore, experiment, create. Art adventurers bring home awesome works of art each week! So much FUN!

Cost for the program is $104.00 and is open to children is Grades K-4. Registration can be done by visiting


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