Drop-In Pumpkin Painting

pumpkin painting

East Windsor Parks & Recreation is hosting a Drop-In Pumpkin Painting on Thursday, October 15th outside at the Town Hall Annex from 4:30-7:00pm. Those interested in attending MUST sign up for a time slot in advance by visiting the following link. Only one time slot is required per family. https://www.signupgenius.com/go/60b084fa5aa2aa4f58-pumpkin

Event will take place outside in the field next to the playground. Please park in the large parking lot and staff will be on hand to assist with handing out Pumpkins and painting supplies. Tables will be set up so families can socially distance while participating. We do ask that once you are finished you leave the painting area so that the next round of families can participate.

Masks will be required when picking out pumpkins and when social distancing cannot be achieved. Masks can be taken off when you are at your individual table. Staff will be wearing masks and sanitizing between time slots. We hope to see you there!

-East Windsor Parks & Recreation