Ice Cream with the Easter Bunny - Thursday, April 11th

ice cream with easter bunny

East Windsor Parks & Recreation and the East Windsor Rotary Club proudly present Ice Cream with the Easter Bunny this Thursday, April 11th at 6:30pm.  This event will be held in the East Windsor Middle School Cafeteria (please use the outdoor entrance to the cafe, as Parent/Teacher Conferences will be happening inside the building.)

A special visit from the Easter Bunny is planned so bring those cameras!  There will be a craft for each child to participate in and donations will be accepted to sponsor a child for our Summer Fun Camp Program.

A raffle of donated baskets will also take place.

East Windsor Rotary Club proceeds will benefit general community projects, high school senior scholarships, adopt a family program, shop with a cop and holiday baskets.

A special thank you to our table & raffle sponsors!!

Cost is $3.00 per person, or $12.00 per family - no need to pre-register, payment can be done at the door!

For questions or more information, please call us in the office at 860.627.6662 - we hope to see you there!!