What happens if I pay late?

Real estate and personal property taxes are due in two installments for each fiscal year. You have a one month grace period in which to pay without penalty, either in person or by mail. The first payment is due on July 1 and must be paid by August 1 to avoid interest charges. The second installment is due on January 1 and must be paid by February 1 to avoid interest charges.

In accordance with CGS 12-146, past due payments are subject to interest at the rate of 1.5% per month from the due date of the tax, or a $2.00 minimum, whichever is greater. Payments made on or after August 2, including payments postmarked August 2 and later, are considered past due and will incur 3% interest, representing two months' delinquency.

The town is required by law to accept the postmark as the date of payment.