Warehouse Point


Warehouse Point Zoning Update

In 2022,  The Planning & Zoning Commission completed the Warehouse Point Planning Study.  This study focused on finding ways to re-vision the Warehouse Point neighborhood while addressing stormwater issues that exist in that part of Town.  This study is part of a Responsible Growth and Transit-Oriented Development Grant from the State of Connecticut Department of Economic and Community Development. 

Following completion of that study the Commission is now working to develop regulations that are in alignment with the findings of this study as well and public feedback. The Commission had completed a draft of the regulations as well as a first draft of the proposed zones associated with these new areas and will be soliciting feedback during public hearings which will be conducted during the February 27, March 12 and March 26, 2024 Meetings.

The Warehouse Point Design District regulations, which became effective December 4, 2023 can be viewed below. 

Warehouse Point Zoning Update Process


Proposed Warehouse Point Design District Zoning Amendments

Warehouse Point Proposed Zoning Changes Revised 03024


Warehouse Point Planning Study

In 2022, as part of the study, a series of informational videos were prepared by the Town's consultant for the project.  These videos explain the work done on the project;  provide an explanation of what the Blue Ditch is and how stormwater works in Warehouse Point; explains how zoning and stormwater runoff are related; and provides ideas of what Warehouse Point could look like in the future.  

Video 1Why This Study Is Important
Video 2Understanding the Blue Ditch
Video 3How Zoning Affects Stormwater
Video 4What the Future of Warehouse Point Could Look Like

The Complete Warehouse Point Planning Study with all Maps and Appendices can be viewed below: